Anomaly – an irregular or unusual event which does not fit any standard rule or law; anything weird, abnormal, strange, odd or difficult to classify is considered an anomaly
Apparition – a ghostly figure or form which suddenly and unexpectedly appears
Claireaudience – a psychic ability which enables someone to hear voices or noises others can not.
Clairesentience – the ability to clearly feel your and/or others emotions and sensations
Clairvoyance – to have lucid mental perceptions and keen insights about people and life situations and to have clear visual mental images/pictures; to see auras and other psychic phenomena
Demon – an evil spirit or being which is said to have not ever lived in human form.
Demonology – one who studies and practices the art of demonology; an individual who specializes in the removal of evil or demonic forces in a given environment.
Disembodied voice – a voice heard or recorded that does not have a known source.
Earthbound spirit – a spirit trapped or bound to the earth plane; usually called a ghost.
Electro Magnetic Field (EMF) meter/detector – an instrument used to detect electromagnetic energy.
Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP)-voices recorded on recording media not heard at the time of recording.
Ghost – the spirit of a deceased person or animal.
Haunting – paranormal phenomena that frequently occurs in an area, building or object over a long period of time.
Medium – a person who communicates with deceased persons.
Orb – a sphere of energy which is thought by some to be created by a spirit.
Paranormal – events that are beyond the range of normal experience or scientific explanation.
Poltergeist – meaning noisy spirit; a general term applied to specific physical phenoma; temperature variations, anomalous sounds and physical movement; usually considered to be related to unusual physical conditions. Many suggest that poltegeist focus on an individual under some form of emotional stress.
Psychic – a person who has the ability to see, hear and feel by use of senses other than the natural senses.
Shadow people – spirits or ghosts which are black in appearance but have no discernible features.
Spirit – the soul, essence or energy of a living or deceased person, animal or being
Supernatural – beyond or exceeding the laws of nature.
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